
Home / Internship

Our successful Interns

  Course Name - Internship

  Duration :

This is The syllabus of 3 months/1 & 1/2 Month Internship

Program Offline

  Learning Assessment and others (both paper-pencil and projective) as per requirement of counseling process

  CBT / Guided Imagery etc., Behaviour Therapy and Behaviour Modification / Different Techniques & Model of Counselling/ Relationship-Family Counselling

  We are following process step by step:
01. Observation and Case studies
02. MSE
03. Interview
04. Other Assessments we will learn on the basis of the need of that particular counseling process


B . Etc. as per requirement

05. Knowledge of some essential therapy

A .Play therapy, Art Therapy


C . Communication Etc.

06. Theoretical part is sometimes offline and practical or live program for studying counseling depends on either discussion/online case study/ at my chamber.
07. Submission of case studies in the form of project work: 10 case studies at the end
  Payment scheme:

Payment for 2/3-month Internship program is Rs 6000/-

1 /1and 1⁄2 month is Rs 4000/-

  Payment in the bank:

Mind’s Eye Bank of Baroda 122/1 Block-C, Bangur Avenue, Kolkata-700055, West Bengal,
A/C No. 40140200000200
A/C Type: CA

  Our location

Office - 129, Bangur Avenue, Block-A, Flat: Ground Floor, Kolkata: 700055;

North Kolkata: (1) 113 G, Beliaghata Main Road Flat: First Floor, Kolkata: 700010; near Near CIT More & Beliaghata Post Office; (2)

  +91 90518 15449;  +91 94335 16243;

  Therapeutic Workshop For Mental Health Wll Being (Online & Offline)
Therapeutic Workshop Schedule
Therapeutic Workshop for Mental Health Well-being Courses (Online - Offline)
Session Offline Online
1. Mindfulness MBSR/MBCT 4 Day( 4 Hrs a Day) 6 Day (2 Hrs a Day)
2. CBT (Cognitive Behaviour Theraphy ) 4 Day( 4 Hrs a Day) 6 Day (2 Hrs a Day)
3. Distress Tolerance Behaviour Theraphy (DBT) 4 Day( 4 Hrs a Day) 6 Day (2 Hrs a Day)
4. 5-Sensory Organs Simpulation Theraphy For General People 5 Day( 4 Hrs a Day) 9 Day( 2 Hrs a Day)
5. Art Theraphy Based On Painting 6 Day( 4 Hrs a Day) 10 Day( 1 and 1/2 Hr a Day)
6. Art Theraphy Based On Line Drawing 6 Day( 4 Hrs a Day) 12 Day( 1 and 1/2 Hr a Day)
7. Assessment To Inititate a Counselling Program For Mental Well Being 20 Day( 2 Hrs a Day) 30 Day( 1 and 1/2 Hr a Day)
8. Guided Imagery In Relation To Body Movement 10 Day( 2 Hrs a Day) 15 Day( 1 and 1/2 Hr a Day)
9. Story Telling Season To Help A Person To Come out From Mental Trauma 6 Day( 2 Hrs a Day) 10 Day( 1 and 1/2 Hr a Day)
10. Developing Mental Health By Changing Certain Strokes And Drawing: Scribble and Drawing 4 Day( 2 Hrs a Day) 9 Day( 1 and 1/2 Hr a Day)